Safety Top 10

This couldn't be a real woodworker's blog without stating the importance of shop safety.  Before you begin, take the time to learn how to use the tools you are working with.  Always wear safety glasses, have proper lighting, clamp or anchor the wood you are working when, drilling, sawing or sanding.  Equally as important, ensure you are using hearing protection when necessary and proper ventilation or breathing apparatus is used.  Work smart, it is a lot cheaper than hospital bills and lost body parts. 

My Top Ten Safety Shop Rules
10.  Clean shop - Ok, not spotless, but neat.
9.    Eye Protection - all the time.
8.    Hearing Protection  - as needed
7.    Proper lighting
6.   Clamp it down!
5.   Be Patient.  Rushing causes rework or worse.
4.   Use Push Sticks - I like my digits
3.   Get help - its worth it.
2.   Air Filter - lungs are hard to come by.
1.  You were blessed with a brain - Try using some of it:)

Don't be a Homer....

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