
Office Book Shelves

Several years ago we moved into our home and it had this hideous office with plaid green carpet, dark avocado walls and cheap brass lighting fixtures.  It did however have some redeeming qualities, including French doors, large in size (14’ x 12’), and two large north facing windows.  We tore out the carpet and replaced it with engineered bamboo, painted the walls a light wheat colors with two accent walls, the color of Merlot wine.  We had a boat load of books that have been read, and some day to be read. We needed a home for them.  In came the office bookshelves pictured above.  There are two matching bookshelves on opposite walls in the office.  Made of simple pine, these book shelves are mounted to the walls and uprights were stained with a crimson stain/poly and the shelves were stained a cornflower color to match the bamboo flooring.  They both are about eight feet in length and six and a half feet tall.  Perfect for displaying our reference material, literature, and collections from our travels.  
Mission Shelf -36"- Solid Oak with Plate Shelf (Choose Your Custom Stain Option) 

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